Tuesday, January 8, 2008

In Jeddah today, Students to show Good Civic Sense

Tuesday, 08 January 2008
By Adel Al-Malki

Some 1,500 Saudi students will fan out across Jeddah on Tuesday for a public demonstration against irresponsible behavior such as littering, writing graffiti on walls and unhygienic use of washrooms at mosques.

Jeddah Municipality is organizing the campaign which has the slogan "We are all Responsible." "It is partnership program between the municipality and the Directorate of Jeddah Education to raise awareness about wrong practices," said Mohammad Abu-Emarah, assistant secretary of Central Services at Jeddah Municipality.

The students will be on watch for people who do not show good civic sense, and anybody caught acting irresponsibly will be given a piece of advice.

"This campaign will enhance the contribution of students in the fight against wrong practices and for preservation of public property through a spirit of collective responsibility towards their city." Abu-Emarah said.

As part of the campaign, the students will also remove graffiti from public property and clean up the city's parks and coastline.

Raja Allah Al-Sualmi, spokesman of Jeddah Education Directorate, cited Abdul Kareem Al-Heqail, director general of Education as saying that the campaign aims to draw national attention to the importance of environmental awareness and social unity in nation building.
The crucial role of families in complementing the initiative by the educational system is also emphasized.

Mohammad Abu-Emarah said: "They should know the importance of proper garbage disposal, and that vandalism and defacing of public facilities are crimes punishable by law."

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